When looking to add an extra touch to walls, acrylic rendering is a highly attractive option. Acrylic renders add a type of plastic called acrylic into the mix to make a highly durable and flexible render for internal and external surfaces. SAND4U’s range of acrylic render products are easy to apply and guaranteed to provide serious value for money.
Sydney’s Premier Supplier of Acrylic Renders
Acrylic renders present some great advantages over traditional materials. Foremost amongst their benefits is the fact that acrylic renders are far more durable than traditional alternatives. This means that because of their inbuilt flexibility they are much less likely to crack one applied, providing a longer lasting coat.
Acrylic renders can also be applied to a wide range of surfaces, surfaces that traditional renders would find it difficult to adhere to. These might include painted walls, fibre cement, concrete and timber.
Once applied acrylic renders are also incredibly fast drying, with the process taking a few days instead of up to a month, as they would with traditional products. They come in a variety of finishes including smooth like concrete or textured like sandstone. Finally, they are breathable but also water resistant, making for a drier and healthier home.
SAND4U has everything you need for a successful rendering project including base preparation products, renders and finishes. We stock only quality products to give our customers the peace of mind that they are using only top notch materials for their projects.
Acrylic Render Delivery
At SAND4U we offer both pick-up and delivery options, allowing our customers to choose which alternative best suits their needs. We are ready to deliver anywhere in Sydney, 6 days a week, and have a large fleet of trucks that can distribute to projects of any size. Contact us today on 1300 787 485 to arrange a delivery or discuss our range of acrylic render primers, base coats and finishes.
Decomix Base Preparation Products:
SAND4U’s line of base preparation products are designed to prime surfaces for rendering by creating a better plane for base coats and finishes. Once applied they improve rendering adhesion, increase coating bond strength and provide additional protection for underlying surfaces.

- Acrylic Base Primer
- Apply prior to Texture or Paint
- Alkali Resistant
- Improves Coating Bond Strenght and Durability
- Coverage Approx. 80 to 100 sqm per 15Lt

- Ideal for Dincel, PVC &Stainless Steel
- 15Lt will cover 225m2
- Roll or Brush
- Fast Drying
- Water Resistant
- Fantastic Alternative to Grinding and Etching

- Coarse & Fine grade
- Ready Mix
- Joint Stopping – Approx. 50 Lineal Mt per 15Lt
- Skim Coating – Approx 12 to 14 sqm per 15Lt
- Fibre Cement Base Sheet
- Highly Flexible and Exellent Adhesion
Decomix Renders and Base Coats:
Renders and Base Coats
SAND4U’s acrylic renders and base coats provide excellent durability and workability. We offer a large range of products to provide our customers with acrylic renders suitable for any surface, including painted walls, blocks, bricks, concrete, foam panels and porous masonry surfaces.
We offer renders that can be rolled, trowelled or even sprayed on to allow for maximum convenience. If you are unsure which acrylic render is right for you, our staff are highly experienced in helping our customers find the right product for their needs.

- Fine Grade
- Apply to Stable and Porous Masonry Surfaces
- Quick to Mix – Just Add Water
- Excellent Durability, Workability and Application
- Coverage Approx. 3 to 5 sqm per 20Kg

- Coarse Grade
- Apply to Stable and Porous Masonry Surface
- Quick to Mix – Just Add Water
- Excellent Durability, Workability and Application
- Coverage Approx. 3 to 5 sqm per 20Kg

Fine Grade
Quick to Mix – Just Add Water
Joint Stopping – Approx. 50 Lineal Mt per 20Kg
Skim Coating – Approx 10 to 12 sqm per 20Kg
Apply to Fibre Cement Sheet
Excellent Durability and Workability

- Light Weight Polymer Thick Render Application
- Apply to Stable and Porous Masonry Surfaces Requiring Thicker Render Coat
- Quick to Mix – Just Add Water
- Sag Resistance
- Coverage Approx. 1 to 3 sqm per 15Kg

- Synthtic Coarse Grade Fibre Reinforced Cementious Render
- Apply to Aerated (AAC) Cement Blocks and Pannels
- Quick to mix – Just Add Water
- Excellent Durability, Wokability and Application
- Coverage Approx. 3 to 5 sqm per 20Kg

- Fine Grade High Bond Strength Cementious Render
- Maximum strength with added Bonding Agent
- Quick to Mix – Just Add Water
- Apply to Low Porous Surfaces
- Excellent Durability and Workability
- Ideal for Painted Surfaces, EPS and EIFS
- Coverage Approx. 3 to 5 sqm per 20Kg

- Fine Grade
- No Super or DECOMIX DECO BOND Needed – Just Add Water
- Apply to Polystyrene Foam Pannels and Blocks, Bricks, Blocks, Concrete, AAC Blocks and Pannels and Tilt Up
- Suitable for Pumping or Spraying

- SUPER Strength Undiluted Polymer Additive
- Apply to Cement Based Mixes and Tile Adhesives
- Improves Strength and Flexibility
- See Data Sheets for Amount Ratios

- High Strenght Polymer Additive
- Apply to Cement Based Mixes and Tile Adhesives
- Improves Strength and Flexibility
- See Data Sheets for Amount Ratios
Decomix Coatings and Paint Finishes:
SAND4U stocks prime coatings and paint finishes for acrylic renders, offering highly durable and attractive materials for that perfect exterior look. Whether you are looking for a reflective, smooth, matte or textured product, SAND4U has the right finishes for you.

- Gloss Glittery Finish
- Ready Mix – Just Trowel On
- Extra Added Water Repelent Addivive
- Fade Proof, Flexible and Durable
- Coverage Approx. 10 to 12 sqm per 15Lt
- Available in White, Mid and Clear Base

- Fine Grade Finish
- Ready Mix – Just Trowel On
- Fade Proof, Flexible and Durable
- Water Resistance
- Coverage Approx. 12 to 15 sqm per 15Lt
- Available in White, Mid and Clear Base

- Medium Grade Finish
- Ready Mix – Just Trowel On
- Fade resistance, Flexible and Durable
- Water Resistance
- Coverage Approx 10 to 12 sqm per 15Lt
- Available in White, Mid and Clear Base

- Medium Stipple Finish Roll On Finish
- Ready Mix – Just Roll On
- Can be applied over render or primed brickwork and is ideal to disguise small surface inperfection
- Coverage Approx. 30 to 40 sqm per 15Lt
- Available in White

- Interior and Exterior Paint
- Low Sheen Finish
- Flexible and Durable
- Low pickup of Dirt, Allowing Walls to be Cleaner
- Coverage Approx. 60 to 80 sqm per 15Lt
- Availble in White, Mid and Clear Base

- Interior and Exterior Paint
- Matt Finish
- Flexible and Durable
- Low pickup of Dirt, Allowing Walls to be Cleaner
- Coverage Approx. 60 to 80 sqm per 15Lt
- Available in White, Mid and Clear Base